Saturday, 24 January 2009

There must be a guardian angel, or some kind of destiny we have...

I have been a busy revision bee hence my lack of blogging. I am currently half way through my (two) exams. I finish on Monday and cannot wait! Molecular ecology went as expected, not great but good enough. Hopefully I will have a good mark to improve on my coursework mark. Monday is ethics which on first impressions was far too deep for little me and my unphilosophical nature. However the concepts we are talking about are actually interesting! Woe is me. =P

Karen insisted that we went for a walk up to Bole Hill on Thursday to escape from revision for a bit. It was a definite Godsend and it was wonderful to just be outside for an extended length of time. I got to play with my camera on the tripod a bit. I was surprised how stable it is considering I got it from Jessops for 12.50. I shall be looking at my shots in a bit and may even post one! I really wished we had set up for a shot of us doing the Titanic pose on a picnic bench overlooking the North-east of Sheffield. Hopefully we shall get another chance to do it!

Tomorrow is going to be terrifying! Apparently we could have up to 50% more children than usual. I can't deal with 8 never mind 12!!!!!! Muchos prayer shall be occurring. I think I am secretly looking forward to it as I want to do some fun drama and play more games to keep the little darlings entertained.

I've been feeling incredibley close to Kazz recently (yes even more so!), a lot of talkings of engagement, weddings, dogs and babies has occurred. Normally this should make a man run away and hide in a shed with some tools and a project however I do not own a shed so this has been impossible! Yet that response hasn't even threatened to be elicited in me, hence I am thinking this is a bit of a hint that we're pretty serious. =)

I made an exciting pasta bake thing with a tomatoey cheesey sauce which was pretty damn nice! I think I shall take a walk to Tesco once I have finished exams to get a lasagne and maybe a canneloni if I am feeling frivilous. A new Nisa has opened literally 2 minutes from my house which is very exciting for all! The prospect of incredibley cheap wine and suspect looking cheese warms the cockles of my heart.

Time for photo editing!

Thursday, 15 January 2009

I was feeling free...

I have (almost!!!) finished by project. Hurrah!!

However this is not the most exciting piece of news this week; Karen got her offer from Hallam on Tuesday which is immense. I am so unbelievably proud of her, not just for getting the offer but for being so determined. I don't think I have stopped smiling since. =)

Nothing much has been happening apart from that really. We looked at engagement rings and I would love to get something from here as I think they'd be bound to do something unique enough for Karen's beautiful hands. We shall have to wait and see. =)

Tomorrow I bake cheesey pasta bake for the first time which I am rather excited about! I may even take photos! Karen is buying wine and ice cream for our tasty tasty meal too. I can't wait. Then we can revise with wine! Can life get any better. ^_^

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Carry this picture for luck, tucked in your pocket...

Today has been manic then depressive (Oh I am witty =S). Boulders was crazy this morning I can't believe how hyper and thus noise and badly behaved the kids were. Hopefully it is down to still being on a sugar high after Christmas and won't last. Although I did have suggestions that it was to do with the wind (weird or what?).

This afternoon and evening have been a more sedate (boring!) affair with my project inching towards conclusion although I still have a lot to do. I simply must get it finished by the weekend as I really really don't want to be still working on Monday afternoon.

I can't wait to get that first exam and project hand in over and done with then its only one more exam and a viva before the whole slog starts again except I have cleverly given myself three lecture modules in 2A. Hopefully my interest won't be my undoing.

I am really itching to get out and take photos despite it being incredibly windy today! I also love my new hat! Its super warm and I think I look amazing. If I am feeling frivolous I may even post a picture! I should probably start a photo a day album on my pbase at some point as I have heard so many people say they improve their photography; once exams are over I think I shall do that!

Karen get's back to Sheffield tomorrow so I am looking forward to just hanging out with her again. People keep asking when we are going to get married! I don't deal well with pressure but I feel warm and fuzzy that people think we should! =P

Saturday, 10 January 2009

These photographs keep me alive...

Today has been rather bleh. Haven't done much just pottered around and tried to get on with my project. I concentrated so poorly this afternoon and evening its unbelievable. Rather annoyed at myself actually.

Here is a photo of my poor bandaged finger in A & E. I'm still covered in plasters but its not been as painful today and I have learnt never to let Karen leave otherwise bad things happen!

I am in bed again just relaxing as its a Saturday night. Hoping that Boulders goes well tomorrow and that my discussion will possibly get finished. It really really should. I wish the silly internet wasn't so distracting. :(

Karen is away having fun with old people at a dog show! Apparently they have been asking about me so I am a bit scared, tehe. I hope I pass the test. ;)

Friday, 9 January 2009

Everybody hurts, everybody cries...

So its been a hectic few days since returning to Sheffield. After an expensive shop, a nerve wracking interview and much revision I finally had Thursday night had to be alone and go to bed super early ready to get up and push on with my project which hadn't moved for several weeks. I had eaten a tasty lasgne with my dodgy homemade garlic bread (fried bread with garlic - too much effort really =P) and was in the kitchen clearing up before making a tasty tasty hot chocolate and I managed to smash a glass causing a fairly deep cut on my right hand ring finger below the first knuckle. It was bleeding quiet profusely and I was nauseous because I am a wimp so I rang my medical advisor! What would we do without medical students!

Fortunately I was given a lift to a & e and looked after whilst I was there. It was really good to catch up actually and talk about several random things including why does Sprite have 4x the calories of diet coke, when I was going to get engaged, and my fastidious planning for the trip to Morocco! Anyway we were stuck there until just after midnight and all I have to show for it is a plaster. I hate stitches but at least that would have been more impressive, I could've gone to Boots for goodness sake. Hmph to my overactive circulatory system.

I am now sat in bed having a had a bleh day. I am feeling a bit alone because Karen isn't in Sheffield or near a computer, so I am really looking forward to seeing her on Monday lunchtime. My new camera bag and monopod arrived earlier and I have so far concluded that the bag is perfect and the monopod would make an awesome sword/lightsabre/eye-pokin-out-device. If I am feeling bored I may wander to Goodwin tomorrow and see if there is any hockey on to shoot for a bit.

I should have planned for Boulders tonight but its totally slipped my mind. Were doing about "When I met Jesus" so I have to think of when I did meet Jesus! Its not as easy as I imagined. I guess I have always felt watched over and seen prayers answered (exam results, university placings, being accepted, being fancied, being loved...) which isn't as dramatic as one single event but having brought me this far in life I am not going to give up on it now.

I also found this video, its absolutely brilliant! I want to immitate this so badly!

Monday, 5 January 2009

I like you so much better when you're naked...

My first post of 2009 and start of the second calender year of blogging. How exciting!

I am now back in Sheffield and attempting to hurry on with my project and do some of that pesky revision, whilst trying to keep in constant contact with Karen, run a Sunday school and advance my photography. At least I have enough to keep busy.

The past two weeks have been great, really relaxing and I don't feel like I am too far behind with work either. I spent a few days at home when Karen came to visit and we did the typical studenty things, slept lots, ate lots, played on the wii and went to a garden centre (=S). Then we drove all the way to Preston to spend New Year's Eve there. It was a stark contrast to last year, when we spent it with some drunk Australians on the Charle's bridge in Prague! But by staying in we got to keep warm and watch lots of Planet Earth, which I think is Karen's best Christmas present if I don't say so myself. =P

On the 30th we met up with Karen's girl friends from School which was less nerve wracking than I made out to be. We had tapas and the food was good if not a bit expensive. I now officially have to say I like Chinese as much of this food was consumed on the 2nd but it was tasty tasty and I felt very stuffed afterwards! Kazz and I took Chippa to the beach for a run and I got to play with the faster frame rate on my D300 which is going to be so useful for sport once I get the hang of the autofocus system. I have taken just over 900 photos in two weeks which I am rather impressed (shocked!) with. Sadly this rate of photographising will diminish due to revision but I have two weeks after exams with only my viva thing to worry about so I will be making the most of getting out and getting more practice!

Karen has her PGCE interview tomorrow which is both exciting and scary. I am really very proud of her for being confident enough to do it! Seeing how keen she is to succeed and how much enjoyment it brings is great. I am going to write my prayer diary now and head over for some final interview prep. =D