Friday, 26 December 2008

Do they know it's Christmas time at all...

I am watching the Spengler cup on TV whilst reading about Wright's F statistics on Wiki.

I'm currently recovering from far too much food and chocolates on Christmas day and a really nice day all round. I got lots of exciting presents, mostly kitchenware, which makes me feel a very modern man. =P

We had a lovely day despite being made to get up at 8am. Christmas dinner was fantastic and Mum and Dad loved the photobook JB and I made for them. I got sexy new boxers and lots of toiletries to stop me scrounging off them during the year (hehe). JB got Mariokart which is hilarious to play with him as the controls, whilst intuitive, are somewhat difficult to being with. I now have my own profile on Guitar Hero III which is entertaining and I am slowly working my way through the easy setting because I'm not very good at it. I need to keep practising ready to try to be almost as good as Karen.

Karen arrives tomorrow which is the cue for much funness! I want to bake something because its entertaining; in fact as I type Kazz has told me that a muffin tray and loaf tin have been purchased ready for baking madness at her house or back in Sheffield. I am trying to think of things to do at my house, walking shall occur and probably a trip into Durham too! Apart from that I do not know maybe Mum and Dad will think of something.

I'm looking forward to NYE at Kazz's, I can't wait to see her new room and Chippa! Hopefully we shall go for some nice walks and have time to relax and get some work done too.

I am looking at getting a new bag and tripod with my Christmas money but they stuff I want ti proving to be far too expensive which I deem rather inconsiderate. My camera is great fun! I can't wait to shoot some sport with it though as the advanced autofocus settings will be incredibley good if I can get it work properly. I hope Kazz is looking forward to playing with it too!

Friday, 19 December 2008

I am who I wanna be, but you could be anything, just be anything here with me...

It is KarenandSimon Boxing day today and I am meant to be packing to go home but I am far too excited about getting my new camera tomorrow and seeing peoples tonight.

I got cool presents yesterday and am no super impatient at wanting to go to Morocco. Karen loved her puppet too! Its so cute to see her with RiverDance the otter (lol). We had an amazing lunch at Bia Hoi and had cocktails too which is always fun (and manly =P). We watched the Hairy Bakers and wanted to bake! Then watched Russell Howard and I am sure I haven't ever heard Karen laugh that much ever!! Even though my jokes are hilarious. =P

Tomorrow is going to be hectic what with much coming and going and eating but I am really looking forward to seeing my family and hope that Karen has a really good time too! =)

Anyway I should go pack up now.

Monday, 15 December 2008

I've heard there was a secret chord, that David played to please the Lord...

Last week was incredibly hectic and I can't really remember what I did.

I know that on Thursday I had a minor panic that I wouldn't get my camera because Dixons apparently didn't have one but Karen's dad managed to sort it so that's good! It arrived at home today so hopefully Mum and Dad will be persuaded to bring it with them on Saturday.

Last weekend was great fun! We had a kids party at church which was just insane, being a geek in the drama was most entertaining! I took a few (155) photos, some of which shall hopefully be used on the website! On saturday Karen and I went to Opal and watched LotR:RotK and the Xfactor final and I had my second pizza in two days and felt really fat! We had hoped the European market would be in the town centre but unfortunately it wasn't so we were sad about that. We had a right laugh watching the film and chilling out. Sunday was lovely, last kids team service of the year and we coped with an injury and a lot of games! In the evening Karen and I went to Carols @ Crookes which was absolutely fantastic! Lots of singing and mince pie related fun, we really liked the punch too, I am currently trying to find out the recipe for us to use some time!

I can't believe that this term is almost over, its crazy to think that three months have disappeared. I do have a lot to show for it though, there has been an awful lot of work and learning done. Not just uni stuff too, I really feel like I have grown a bit (not height wise though!). Leading at church has really got easier and now that I have a much larger team this should develop nicely. Karen made a point that I was actually doing teaching and I sometimes totally forget this so its nice to be reminded. I do feel a bit scared about the responsibility but my friends at church and most of all Karen are so incredibly supportive it makes it all very easy.

I have learnt that I have an interest in molecular ecology and that I shall hopefully investigate a career in this sort of lab. I've learnt that I want to get so much better with my photography and that I can't just do that with better equipment, it has to be me pushing the shutter in a better way. I've learnt that its a scary thought not knowing what you will be doing this time next year but that if you have someone to share the journey with it doesn't matter. I have learnt that Tanzania and Kenya count as East Africa. I have learnt that it doesn't matter what you know in science its still possible to have an opinion and voice it in a constructive way.

This week is going to be good too! Our immense biology and ethics poster goes on display on Wednesday, hopefully we shall get a good mark for it! We also find our coursework marks out which I am a bit more nervous about. Thursday is Karen and Simon Christmas which I am dead excited about! Can't wait to give Karen her puppies. =P

Monday, 8 December 2008

Could it be that everything goes 'round by chance, or only one way that it was always meant to be...

Today has been a pleasant day.

I spoke to a couple of potential supervisors in my department in preparation for applying for level four. I am very much liking the sound of working with sheep on coat colour and pattern and the linkage between the two. I am also looking forward to dissertation in a scary sort of way as Burke appears to be a most decent and helpful chap.

I did a bit of photo editing last night using the new colour boosting technique (Lab colour boost) and created this:

I am currently looking at programs to organise my photos, I want something that will allow me to rate and tag shots so I can look for stuff efficiently.

Karen and I are fervently planning Karen and Simon Christmas which is getting more exciting by the second! I can't wait to giver her her amazing present tehe. I should really wrap it up!

New Year is to be spent in Newton, which is great as we may well have the house to ourselves leading to fun and frolics cooking and photoing! David picks my D300 up on Thursday so I am looking forward to getting that and playing with my new toy!

Work is ticking along and is getting done, hopefully we shall have our poster done by Wednesday night at the latest.

I successfully cooked carbonara for my tea tonight which I am very proud of and I got 68 for my fieldcourse write up from MSJ which I count as a pretty good achievement considering my stats were "terrible".

Anyway back to procrastination!

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Come with me 'cause I'm a Free Faller, You hoot but I holler...

We booked out trip to Morocco yesterday! This is the one we booked. I am rather excited about it, having thoroughly enjoyed going to Egypt three years ago and am looking forward to another foray into North Africa.

I am working on my introduction for project and whilst its tough going its still interesting and I think I'd like to do my dissertation on some aspect of speciation, possibly ecological speciation specifically. I emailed some potential supervisors tonight so should probably get reading up on their research areas.

Things I need to get sorted for Morocco
  • Insurance.
  • Flights.
  • Hotel pre/post tour.
  • Camera Bag.
  • Visas.
  • Vaccines.
  • Sexy boxers that are both stylish and comfortable in the heat.
Tomorrow I hand in my introduction so I had better get up early to finish it.

Things seem to be going a lot better than last week, work is happening, Karen is happy and we are going to the Christmas market in the centre of town on Saturday so hopefully there will be cheese for me to nibble on. I may buy some salami to cook a fantastic meal for Karen and I.

Karen and Simon Christmas is only two weeks tomorrow! I had best get wrapping! Were going to have a romantic meal and then go to Buddha Bar for cocktails (which I like far too much for a straight man!). I want to take a really romantic photo of us too that'd be ace.

My gym session was good today, managed to run (1.6km) row (8.58 mins) and bike (3.5km) and do all my weights and even proper sit ups. Oh and I have apparently lost two kilos which is top notch!

Time to look at hotels!

Monday, 1 December 2008

Keep your head still, I'll be your thrill, the night will go on, the night will go on, my little redmill...

Today has been a busy and confusing day. I have finally (I think) figured out what to do with my project but I have tried the stats tonight and they haven't gone anywhere. Ah well.

I took pictures in our lecture theatre today which was fun and a bit weird although I am happy to have some photographic reminder of where I have spend mornings the past 3 years.

I stumbled upon a couple of good photo sites (DPS and, I am getting a bit more excited about my new camera and hoping that I will be able to use it to its full potential and improve my photography as a result.

I am nervous about getting my abstract back tomorrow as I really need a good (65>) mark to give me any chance of getting near a first in this module. I'd love to be able to push and possibley sneak a first overall but I'm not sure if I have got too much ground to make up. However most importantly is my project, hopefully I shall be able to get something that I can discuss and get a really good mark in it to get on level four as I really want to stay in Sheffield as I am confident Karen will be here on the PGCE course.

I am off to be now, absolutely shattered.

Sunday, 30 November 2008

Say whatever you want 'cos I can laugh it off...

Its been a very up and down for week for reasons mostly related to my own short-comings.

I am determined to enjoy the last three weeks of term despite having a substantial amount of work to do and revision to start. I do however have my mind firmly fixed on Christmas and New Year. I can't wait to see my folks again and spend some time away from Uni, I am feeling a it sick of my housemates as they are not living up to my ridiculous ideals. I am looking forward to being cooked for and doing minimal washing up oh and clean clothes and heated house!

Karen is coming to mine on the 27th and we shall have Rio to drive about in! Although I shall take us places in our car to avoid Kazz having to pay for petrol if posssible! I can't wait for festive fun food! New year is going to be awesome too, having Karen's house to ourselves to play married couple will be fun and much food and drink shall be consumed and hopefully a lot of baking will be done!

I am also getting my new camera soon, I really want to improve my photography and eventually turn it into something more than a hobby. I already have a business partner waiting for me!

Next week I shall attempt to finish most of my project write up and get the majority of my poster done. Hopefully I will have a good mark for my abstract from two weeks ago too!

Sunday, 16 November 2008

It only takes one tree to make a thousand matches...

Today has been a good day! And in fact it has been a good week.

I went to church with Karen after having the most amazing sleep ever and it was a really good sermon. I feel really blessed, especially having Karen there because she means so much to me!

Then I came home and chilled and went to training which was rather fun, there weren't many of us so we just mucked about which was good and unstrenuous.

I also found out that Karen's Dad may be able to pick me up a D300 from duty free on his way out to Saudi which is AWESOME! I am incredibly lucky. I can't wait to get it, I really want to improve my photography and take it much more seriously with this camera. I am rather excited!!

Karen goes home next weekend so I shall have some peace (=P) but will be rather lonely. I shall probably try to get my introduction for my project written and take some photos. I may even go on an expedition to town on an evening if its nice.

I have just typed up all my results from winkle watching and shall have to start processing them next week which I think may just be more boring than collecting the data in the first place.

I am very much looking forward to the seminar tomorrow as its on cancer so hopefully will be very interesting!

Its bed time now, I'm pretty shattered.

Thursday, 13 November 2008

A lovestruck Romeo, sings the streets of serenade, laying everybody low, with a love song that he made...

Karen is a puffin.

A puffin that eats muffins.

She looks awesome in the buffin.

And I’m happy when she’s laffin.

‘cos she’s a source of enterochromaffin!

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

She's my heaven, she's my spark...

I was only in labs for 2 hours today! I got to see Chris' fish too which was entertaining, he turned them pink much to Katie's disgust.

Karen and I are going to see Quantum of Solace tomorrow which I am looking forward to! The plot is meant to be lacking but the action scenes are apparently rather good and I do like explosions.

Tomorrow I have to hand in my molecular ecology coursework which is hopefully going to be OK and make sense and sound feasible. Maybe not. We are currently doing biology and ethics which, on first impressions, is going to be very interesting and will have a definite impact on the way I think about things!

Hopefully I shall get a Sunday in Church properly this weekend providing Kev is around. Can't wait for that, I am really itching to be in the service to be with Karen and to listen to the teaching myself!

I may get next weekend on my lonesome which will be good for Christmas planning. I love winding you up.

Tonight I am searching for Morocco flights and we shall hopefully go and book everything next week! I am super excited about this. Its going to be a real adventure and I can't think of anyone I'd rather share it with.

Tomorrow I shall be in labs for 6 hours but I look forward to taking my laptop and either doing notes or playing on worms.

Sunday, 9 November 2008

And nothing seems familiar here, on the other side of this town...

Today it is Sunday and its throwing it down! I have had another busy week with spending over 37 hours in labs and another 2 in lectures and stuff. Its really killing my drive to do work. Especially as I have coursework due in on Wednesday. That seems to be going OK though.

Karen and I went to Church for a bonfire and fireworks on Wednesday which was great fun, it was hilarious listening to Dan and Rom and trying to keep out of the way of the giant fireworks box. We went to Meadowhall on Friday afternoon and had a look at various things including loads of books that we'd like and camera gear although I wasn't allowed to play with the D3 which was a shame, but I guess its for my own good.

Hopefully we shall book our Morocco holiday within the next two weeks! I am incredibley excited abou the prospect of that. I love going to new places and there is no one I would rather go exploring with than Karen. Although I am feeling a bit sad we have to choose between being alone or going somewhere with our friends, I think we are making the right choice. Plus Morocco is way more interesting (read: photogenic) than Spain anyway.

I found a puppycam earlier this week which has been keeping my madamoiselle and various others entertained. They are so cute! But we aren't allowed to have one when were older because they would be too stubborn. Karen and I were talking about crufts earlier and I am secretly very excited about going! I can't wait to see her in her element. It'll be more impressive than Laura in lush!

Saturday, 1 November 2008

Don't ever feel that you're alone, I'll never let you down, I'll never leave you dry...

I haven't blogged in ages because of work and general busyness!

Firstly winkles are the most boring animals in the world and continue to hamper my experiments by falling off or dieing which is most inconsiderate of them! I am stuck in labs for 5 hours a day for the next couple of weeks and its seriously killing my enthusiasm and getting in the way of other work which sucks as that seriously restricts Karen time!

We had a lovely weekend in the Lake District last weekend, although the weather was abysmal on the Saturday and we almost got trapped in Lakeland, but I had lots of bacon adn hopefully have some good shots from the lovely walk we had on the Sunday morning.

I had a great time at the kids party last night and my cape was amazing! I love Karen to bits, I can't believe how cool the cape was. We also had a fun time at Opal. Alex was a hilarious spiderman.

I am now going to try and resurrect my printer so I can print stuff out for church tomorrow!

Ooh and we get our awesome biology hoodies tonight! Massive excitement!

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

This is my United States of Whatever...

Today it is sunny which is nice. I went to the gym and had a fairly comprehensive workout and a super hot shower.

I am just about to eat lunch and head into uni for an afternoon in labs/reading.

The weekend was fairly hectic what with waking up for winkle picking at 7am on Saturday and finally getting to bed after Pop Tarts at 2am on Sunday morning. Winkle picking was rather good fun and the weather was great although a bit windy. I did manage to get some photographs which I converted to jpegs last night and shall finish editing tomorrow most likely.

A woman from Hong Kong wanted to use a hockey photo I took in a publication but wasn't going to pay me for it so I had to politely decline. However it is nice that people like my photos.

The winkles are a pain in the arse - they don't like to show you their genitals which makes them annoying to sex although we do have more than enough for our experiments!

I am staying at Karen's tonight which I am looking forward to. Plus this weekend we get to go to the lodge and have a bonfire and fireworks and lots of scrumptious food yay!

Karen hasn't heard from Hallam yet and is a bit worried but I think it will be OK and hope and pray that she gets an interview because she definitely deserves one!

Anyway its lunch time and I sm starving.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Big wheels keep on turning...

Karen is asleep on my bed, wearing my hoodie. She's adorable. I may get my camera to take a photo.

We handed in our field course write ups today! Hurrah. I am quite relieved and have had a bit of an evening off to celebrate. I don't have anything at all tomorrow so shall catch up on my reading and lecture notes too. I may even try to get out and take some photos of the men's 1's match vs Hallam if the weather is good enough.

I really need to be less judgemental. I have been critical of people in the past when it was very unfairly deserved and need to be aware that you should never judge a book by its cover.

I am going winkle picking on Saturday so have to be up for about 7am, great... I am almost looking forward to it as I do like the beach but its unlikely to be particularly picturesque. I think I will take my camera anyway and see if I get any good/useful shots.

Ria's b'day is on Saturday and were going to poptarts (again) which should be fun, it'll be nice to hang out at opal for a bit beforehand if I am back in time.

Sunday, 12 October 2008

I picked out your star, turned night into day...

I apparently don't feel like blogging really considering this window has been open for about an hour and I haven't written anything. =S

Today was OK, church was awesome, I love that Karen still wants to come and isn't scared out of her wits especially as Mick was talking about weddings. Tehe. We had a great time on Saturday at the pub and then hung out on the evening which was much fun.

My field course write up is actually OK and I feel pretty good about it. Plus I am actually looking forward to starting my project!

We're going out tomorrow and Saturday which is exciting. I like going out even if my bank account doesn't

I have decided to learn to make a pasta bake!! I can't decide to steal a recipe from my mum our the internet. Oh the decisions!

Anyway I am bored so later k?

Friday, 10 October 2008

Come on, come on what are you going to do you...

I am getting ready to go out tonight, were going to Mike's house party for his 21st which is going to be entertaining. However more excitingly I am having pancakes at Karen's. I haven't had pancakes in ages and I am going to eat loads. Yippee!!

We went to the pub last night which was rather good fun to see everyone and just talk about rubbish for a couple of hours. Kazz and I left early and spoke a lot. I think were OK now.

I have had an idea of what to get her for Christmas although its going to require some research.

My field course is nearly done hurrah!!! I can't wait to get that out of the way ready for winkle picking next Saturday. I shall do some reading up on that tomorrow I think.

Term is really really busy but I am just about coping. I am really looking forward to Sunday, hope it goes well.

Were definitely going to Morocco too, which is going to be amazing. I may have to try cous cous though. =S

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Did you whisper in my ear, the things you want to hear...

Gah my laptop is annoying. Media player keeps dieing and I am rather desperate to actually hear some music rather than me tapping at the keyboard for a change. Sadly Karen's laptop died again but Dell have "graciously" agreed to fix it. Although they took their time about it, harumph.

Today was fairly up and down, Church was awesome, really great morning. I love to see the kids enjoying themselves. I really need to put in more time and thought with my planning because Martin's was genuinely top notch. Hockey was rather boring though, whilst a good work out, its clear that this season won't happen easily. Its going to be a struggle to be heard and whilst were clearly not the most important people in the club it'd be nice to have a bit more recognition, especially when you put in so much effort sorting things out and to then have them ignored.

Karen is really bored and it sucks that I couldn't be there to cheer her up because of trying to get my project done. Hopefully tomorrow will be better and she will enjoy looking at moorhen stuff. I really want her to enjoy her project even if her supervisor seems like a pain. Hopefully I shall be meeting Prof Butlin on Tuesday to talk about my winkles. I may even have a look at some papers beforehand!

My field course write up is going OK, I am fairly close to having a first draft done and then go over it all this week. Organisation is going to be tough this year as I have a lot to do between, Church, Work, Hockey and a social life! I'll try my best though.

We had a fun day on Saturday, we woke up late, went into town and pottered about and then went to Opal just to see Dazi, Ria and Chris who we hadn't seen for a week. We eventually left just after half 11 at night, having vaguely watched the Flintstones and Core and properly watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire which was entertaining. We also ate pizza so I feel fat this week, I may go to the gym tomorrow to row once Karen has gone off Moorhen spotting.

I am just about to edit some photos and send them to my first "client" a kayaker who I was shooting last weekend. Client is totally the wrong word as I was shooting whatever and she would like the photos. But I may someday have clients!

We have decided not to go to Southern Africa this Summer as it would be far too expensive (at least 2k) which is more than we can afford. However we are thinking of trying Morocco or Tunisia which will be very different! I am very much looking forward to it. We shall not only take some cool photos because we are good photographers, but we shall have an awesome time together which is the most important thing to me. I genuinely want to take in everything, even if we only went to the Lakes for a week I would try to get out from behind the lens more!

Anyway (not hoo!) I shall go and edit my photos.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Your eyes they hypnotize me every night I'm in a dream, just lie here with me...

Note to say this is going to be big. James Nachtwey October 3rd.

Today it is sunny huzzah!

I'm still feeling the effects of bouldering on Tuesday; my forearms and shoulders hurt pretty badly.

My field course write up is going OK, I am on target with my word limit so that's good.

I had a great time last night. Met up with cell friends from church and ate some lovely food then toddled down to the pub and had a relaxing drink with the biology crew. I feel incredibly blessed to have so many friends to look after me. But most of all to have Karenstickalaren to hug me to sleep even if I am minging and full of cold.

Karen's computer screen has died alas. Hopefully Dell will be able to fix it so we can MSN again and Kazz doesn't have to splash out on a new screen/computer which may impinge on our holiday next year.

I am happy to say I am going to get very familiar with winkles over the next twelve weeks. My project is likely to be looking at the responses of winkle species to predation. How exciting!

Monday, 29 September 2008

Just close your eyes and Ill take you there, this place is warm without a care

Today was our first day back at uni properly. I had one lecture. Its a hard life.

I am attempting to write my project by the end of the week and its awful I am struggling so much on the introduction I really wish I had done more over the summer.

I found out that my project supervisor is Roger Butlin who I had for my lecture today, he seems OK, his area of research is winkles and grasshoppers, which may prove interesting... I hope Kazz gets someone good for project. I really want us both to have fantastic opportunities.

We went out photototoing on Saturday, first to Crookes Valley Park then the Botanical Gardens then back to the park where I took some shots of kayakers which have hopefully come out ok, I shall put some up in a bit.

We have an exciting meeting about level 3 tomorrow which I cannot wait to attend. I am sure we will get showered in paper and shouted at by MSJ.

Friday, 26 September 2008

Breathe out so I could breathe you in, hold you in...

Its been an awfully long time since I updated last. We still haven't been imploded by CERN and its even been a bit sunny in the past couple of days.

I am currently planning for Sunday which I am looking forward to providing I get some team in! Apart from that church stuff is going really well, were moving forward with the programme and I am enjoying the responsibility its given me.

I am attempting to start writing my project too which isn't going as well. I shall pick up next week and hopefully get a first draft done.

I had an awesome time at home and then with the Opal crew and especially on Wednesday with biology friends. We did nothing but it was really good. I am so happy to be back in the social swing of things.

Anyhoo to work!

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Its the end of the world as we know it; and I feel fine...

I wanted to post this last week (based on the fear of CERN -lolz) but got distracted by coming home earlier than I thought I was.

Anyway, I am now back in Sheffield for the foreseeable future which is ace especially as I haven't got much to do! The mass spec is brokena nd Mike is away so I only have a piddley report to write up for work and I am currently at Karen's house being sneaky and quiet.

I am looking forward to going home on Saturday to see my parents and JB and especially to go to the ice hockey as its been a very long off season! Although we are likely to get thumped by Belfast (twice) I shall still get to see Big Mac and Verner. Kazz is at school at the moment and is enjoying it more this week which is great. She submitted her PGCE application last night so I am hoping and praying that that goes well for her. I am sure it will though.

I really want to get out and take some photos but the weather has been incredibly boring which doesn't fuel my desire to leave the house as grey skies aren't fun.

We had a nice weekend not really doing anything but are definitely looking forward to going to Opal on Friday for a bit of a party and meeting up with the biology crew tonight for a drink. I can't wait for term to start again I am more than ready to get back to lectures and labs etc.

I have now decided I want a Bigma for Africa because its fun to say and its a whopping 500mm lens!!! Things are definitely moving forward with this too, were getting more info and should hopefully make a decision and book it soon.

I am exc9ited about the coming year, Im looking forward to working (I won't be saying that in a few weeks though)but most of all to be back with everyone going out and mucking around again.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

You electrify my life, let's conspire to re-ignite all the souls that would die just to feel alive...

Its been a hectic week! After Karen's little mishap missing her flight due to the field centre messing up her connection I met her Dad and we drove down to Heathrow which was a lot less awkward than I thought it would be. It was really interesting hearing about Kuwait and Saudi from his and ultimately a business point of view.

Anyhoo I digress; we had a very expensive meal in a very expensive hotel which was booked on the cheap. =P Then slept until the ungodly hour of 6am when we went to pick up my muffin. She sauntered out of arrivals and was amused when I accused her of being late and then horrified when I told her that her mum had put me on the insurance to drive up to the lakes that night.

We managed to get back to Preston in around about 4 hours which was impressive. Karen slept for most of the afternoon and we eventually got out to the lakes in the evening after I nearly crashed in my first time in the clio, that was fun. The next day it started to rain and then proceeded to do so for the entire week. We managed to get out a few times for walks and I hopefully have some good shots from the estuary and up at High Dam where my lovely new ND filter got its first run out.

After much hugging and bacon eating on my part we went home on the Friday afternoon and had a lovely meal out and went to dog class where I attempted to take photos using my MF 50mm which was challenging but a few shots have come out.

Got the train back to Sheffield late Saturday afternoon and chilled out on the evening. I eventually planned for Boulders on Sunday which went well with our new kids but challenging in that we have a fair few noisey little boys! However we shall persevere and we have a new victim (leader) potentially as Harriet from my cell group answered my plea for help. Its going to be a good year.

Today I had a good day at work, I found out not only was I doing things right but that I will get to spend the last week of work in Sheffield in labs rather than up in York which is great as I like being in labs. But mostly because I get to spend a whole week with Karen. Hopefully it will be the first of many where I am in a lab and she is in a school. =)

I can't wait until term starts again to see everyone and go out lots again! And also to work, I really need to get down to starting my project.

Saturday, 30 August 2008

In bed with the moon flower, contradict the nestling...

Yesterday was turbulent to say the least. A boring and tedious day at work intertwined with immense worry about Karen's flight being canceled/missed/etc lead into a great evening out at the InMe gig. They were great! It was cool seeing as I first got into them when they hit the big time rather than finding them years later.

Anyway, I need to do some stupid spreadsheets today and get clothes and stuff packed for Karen and myself for the next week. I hope she's OK. I am going down to meet up with Karen's Dad tomorrow and then were driving to Heathrow tonight and staying in a hotel ready to meet Karen once she lands at 0625 (eek!) and then driving straight to Preston. I am so relieved she's not going to be stuck out there.

I think I may wander into town in a bit to go and buy a photography book.

Thursday, 28 August 2008

You amaze me more than you could know, and I need you all the time, laying stars you make me dream of bliss, and I've loved you all the time...

Karen comes home in less than 48 hours!!

I can't wait to meet her at the station. :)

Work has been incredibly boring this week and I have been very lonely but I shall be seeing Paul and Bryan and Matt tomorrow when we go to see InMe which is going to be ace. Their new albums is really good! I very much like it. I am listening to it repeatedly in order to learn it for tomorrow night. =P

I can't wait to go to the lodge with Kazz, its going to be a great week, even if the weather is pants and we don't do anything I'll still be with her...

The email she sent last night made me feel unbelievable, I've never felt so loved. I am truly truly blessed to have her. I can't be more amazed at what God has given me. She's everything to me.

I am getting excited about the start of the school term too! Boulders starts next weekend which is going to be great to get back in there with new kids and new team! Hopefully God will provide us with an amazing program of stuff to follow and that we will be able to have a really great time with the kids.

I am going to head into town to shoot for a bit and to pick up train tickets.

I am so excited about Saturday!

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

And without you is how I disappear...

I feel pretty rubbish today.

Kazz is having the time of her life and all I can do is mope about here and think how much I am missing out on. I really dislike myself at this moment in time.

Work is going almost as badly, what with things being repaired and not being able to get the right stuff in today.

I feel so alone.

Monday, 25 August 2008

Hier kommt die Sonne, Sie ist den hellste Stern von allen...

Heutzutage werde ich auf Deutsch bloggen.

Ich werde nach York später fahren und dann werde ich nur drei Tagen von Arbeit diese Woche. Ich bin sehr aufgeregt, weil Karen zurückkommen am Samstag wird. Ich hoffe dass sie Spaß nach Borneo hat und ihren Rückflug pünktlich ist!

Es macht Spaß, dass ich dennoch auf Deutsch typen kann trotz zwei Jahren ohne Stunden!

Ich will nach Deutschland mit Karen fahren, denn wir konnten den Weihnachtsmarkt besuchen!

Ich möchte Karen in meinen Armen für immer und ewig halten...

Sunday, 24 August 2008

I need your grace to remind me to find my own...

I have had a good weekend with my family. Its been a welcome distraction from missing Karen; not that I'm not missing her still though. I hope she's OK, she hasn't emailed for a couple of days.

JB and I went to Strada to eat on Friday which was very nice although the pizzas were a bit cold. Then we tried to go and see Kung Fu Panda but it wasn't on despite what the Odeon website said hmph. Anyway we went and watched Star Wars: The Clone Wars, it was OK. The dialogue wasn't brilliant but the animation and action were pretty good. It was too much like watching a video game on a cinema screen though.

On Saturday we went to Magna which was pretty good! Seeing the steel furnace show was very impressive and the pavilions were fun. I liked the water one unsurprisingly and enjoyed playing with locks and the largest rubber duck I have ever seen!

After this we attempted to find GO Outdoors to get me some new shoes and trousers. It seemed simple enough but I managed to miss the turning and get caught up in the one way system and end up heading out into the Peak District. Oops. Anyway we eventually found it and I got some snazzy trousers that may match a certain pair of Karenstickalaren's and some cool trainers.

It was nice to stay in and cook with my bro and to chill out and just watch telly and be lazy.

On Sunday we got up late and my parents came up from Nottingham to pick JB up and take us out for lunch. We went to Aunt Sally's and had Sunday lunch, yay! Mum and Dad had been to a BBQ at the Wrinklies' house the night before and apparently my Uncle and Grandpa were a little worse for wear. I always miss the good nights out. =P We heard about my cousins' new guinea pigs and I educated my mum about minipigs.

JB told me that Dad is keen to buy my camera next summer for him which may mean I upgrade sooner than planned. Not sure how that will be funded but oh well. I have now started checking lens prices, oh dear. I think going through Heathrow on the way to Africa is going to be the cheapest way of doing it. The only draw back is having a brand new camera with me but if this is how it occurs then I should hopefully pick stuff up quickly in the field.

I can't wait until next Saturday to be reunited with my muffin. I hope she is OK and her work is going well. I really miss her. I am very excited about going up to the lodge with her and just going out walking and shooting or even staying in and shooting hehe.

It's a mere 6 days. in fact less than that, until I see her again.

I hope this week is easier.

Thursday, 21 August 2008

A friend in need's a friend indeed, a friend with weed is better...

I am not feeling good. I've had a boring week and realise that I don't really speak much at all if I am not talking to Karen.

I feel really bad. I wish she hadn't gone. I hate myself for thinking that. I hate that I feel so jealous, that I feel like I am missing out on an opportunity and for thinking she's forgotten about me. I hate it. Its making me feel even worse.

Work has been frustrating this week, turf has taken ages to come in and then to take off the conveyor and my cables haven't been long enough etc...

I want this to be over so badly. I feel so left out.

I think I have pulled a muscle in my lower back too as it hurts every time I stand up. I'll get it checked out at the doctors if its bothering me in a few weeks once I have time.

I've been trying to calculate an estimate of what going to Africa is going to cost next year. I am currently up at the £2000 mark and that's without any camera gear sadly. I can't not buy a long lens as that's the point of going to Africa from my point of view; seeing and photographing animals and having a great time with Karen.

I pray she is safe.

Saturday, 16 August 2008

When you're all by yourself, standing on the edge of the world...

I dropped Kazz off at the station earlier. Very sad. I am going to miss her so much, hopefully these next two weeks will fly by and we can look forward to a week in the lakes and get planning Africa.

I have just spent a hectic week on the clearing helpline. Thursday was understandably pandemonium but its been an enjoyable experience. I like being nosey and getting to help people at the same time.

I now feel shattered though although I probably want to sleep to make the 29th come sooner.

I shall put some more photos on my pBase account to entertain myself.

We watched the Olympic rowing and cycling this morning which was awesome, the men's coxless fours was very nerve racking but we eventually won although a bit of drama made the victory more impressive!

I have a million things to do whilst Kazz isn't here but I don't want to do any of them and just be a big lazy.

I hope she is safe.

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

I'm the one who gets away, I'm a New Jersey success story...

Its been a hectic couple of days at work. Cooler being awkward, hard time to get pallets moved.

Last weekend was good, went to Karen's and just relaxed. We saw Dark Knight on Saturday which was great!! And went to world of water on Sunday which was just plain amusing. I want a fountain purely to annoy Karen tehehehehe.

I'm feeling rather lonesome and can't wait to get home to somewhere that's my own!

I finally gave in and got a pbase account so I have something to occupy myself with at work.

Karen and I are doing the Clearing Helpline next week which shall be fun and I am so pleased I get to spend the week with her before she flies to Borneo. Its going to be tough but I'll try very hard not to insane or buy a D300.

I am loving looking at Africa stuff with her, we've pretty much decided on what tour we want to do. We just need to book it, and flights and get everything else. Oh and earn the money for it!

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

On a cold winter morning, in the time before the light...

I had a great weekend at home with Karen, we had fun in Durham and took photos of the Cathedral in the day and the dusk. I love being there with her.

We had pizza express pizzas on Saturday night then went into town and took shots of the Cathedral then we went to pick up my parents from a wedding reception which we kind of gate crashed. That was hilarious, it was really nice to spend the time just myself, Karen and my folks in a rather different environment to Nandos. =P

We had lunch at the Slug and Lettuce on Sunday which was great! The food was really nice although we all had to change our orders (some twice!) as they were low on food. Between the five of us we managed all 6 of the desserts on the menu, I was very proud.

I had an interview for the clearing helpline on Monday which seemed to go OK, hopefully I didn't come across as anything bad and get offered the job as that would be ideal for spending the week with Karen before she goes to Borneo.

I am really going to miss her and its hard not to be sad when she talks about it. I really hope I am being supportive.

Work has been a bit frustrating today. My valves weren't closing properly so the turf was taking ages to cool. It took a few phone calls to Mike but eventually it got sorted. I've even put my samples in the liquid nitrogen too. How exciting!

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Don't you love the life you choose...

I had an amazing weekend with Karen. It was awesome to just lie in bed and cuddle once again. We went and saw Wall E, which was awesome! He's such a cutey. I want one. =P

Karen finishes work experience tomorrow and drives to Sheffield ready to cuddle me on Thursday, yay.

I am currently sat in a hotel room relaxing after a hard day at work. I shall hopefully be running more trials and experiments this week.

I am going home this weekend which shall be rather nice as I get to see my folks and JB and hear his stories from South Africa! ^_^

Thursday, 17 July 2008

You'll never be a better kind, if you don't leave the world behind...

Fairly busy past couple of days. Yesterday I met up with the site manager for the first time and went round to get familiar with stuff. Finished early so went to Elvington Airfield which was pretty cool. I need to convert my raw files and shall pop pics up at some point. I particularly enjoyed seeing the aircraft out on tarmac in their livery. Was pretty cool.

Today was fairly slow because until I find out what is happening experiment wise there isn't much I can do. I managed to get away at half four and then drove home (via detour through Howden) for just after six. The traffic in Sheffield was terrible so I may try to go out a different way on Sunday night.

I get to pick Kazz up from the station tomorrow which is mega exciting. I can't wait to cook for her, to look after her, to kiss her, to cuddle her, to hold her and to love her again...

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

You amaze me more than you could know...

So it was my first day at work today. I had my first first class train journey which was rather fun! Complementary breakfast ftw! Paul then picked me up and took me to the main office where admin stuff was sorted and then we went to the warehouse and had another look at the equipment. Then I had lunch and we went to look at some big turf!

After this I got to drive my van (lol) to my hotel so off I popped to the hotel that was pointed out to me on the way this morning. Got there fine, didn't even get lost once! Couldn't check in til 3, no problem walked to Somerfield and picked up some stuff. Returned at 3. Can I check in *gives name* er no we have no reservation. Hmm I'll ring and check. Ring and find out I am at the wrong hotel! Oops!

So eventually located the 2nd hotel. Settle into (small, hot and noisey) room. Watched the Chuckle Brothers and then had a shower. Saw Top Gear and then went to eat. Had a burger and a pancake type thing. Twas rather tasty, though I think 8 weeks would be a bit much!

I then spent the evening on the internet (which has a useless cable!!!) talking to Kazz. She makes me so happy.

Going to plot how to get there tomorrow!

Monday, 14 July 2008

I'm pushing an elephant up the stairs, I'm tossing up punchlines that were never there...

Got my results finalised today. I was certain I had failed my BMS module last night and prayed for a long time about it. Not only did God show up big time but He blew me away in a way that only He can do. I got a first. My first first not in IT or labs. I was stunned. Note to self: be more confident with the gifts I have been given.

I went to the gym afterwards which was good, had a long workout and hadn't lost too much of my edge despite not going for 7 weeks!

I went into town this afternoon and got some supplies for the week. I am looking forward to working but even more so seeing Karen this weekend.

Her surprise shipped today. I like keeping her on tenterhooks.

Friday, 11 July 2008

If you believe there's nothing up my sleeve, then nothing is cool...

I have had a rather unproductive day. Spent most of the morning musing on the internet and then found out we were having our carpets cleaned. So moved all my stuff and had a long lunch whilst that occurred. Did my four graphs and stats this afternoon. Ordered some photos and then this evening made a splendid bracelet thing using my hockey laces!

Its still raining here, hope the weather is better for Kazz tomorrow and Sunday on Angelsey. Also hope Chippa is a good boy and listens to both Karen and Mum. ;)

My parents come down for the weekend tomorrow which will be nice, they have promised to take me shopping (yay!!) and I won't have to cook either. Hopefully my mum will be able to come to church with me on Sunday which would mean so much to me. I also need to plan for this week, should probably do that sooner rather than later.

I need a shave.

Oh! There were a couple of rainbows last night in true Sheffield fashion so I was shooting a bit out of my window.

Here are some shots. Hope you like them.

Rainbow Panorama

Thursday, 10 July 2008

What you feel is what you are and what you are is beautiful...

Finally got internet sorted today so no more scabbing the IC.

Kazz and I are talking on MSN, I feel better today although its still raining.

My TV tuner came yesterday although it won't fit in my laptop so that was useless. However once I get a PC it shall be used!

I made chocolate mousse today! I whipped my own cream which was a right task with only a tiny little whisk.

I want to get out and take some photos. May try that tomorrow night depending on weather and work.

Still listening too Goo Goo Dolls repeatedly...

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Everything you are falls from the sky like a star...

Went to the Goo Goo Dolls concert last night with Karen. It was immense, sure the encore was too short, but being there with her and singing so loud and meaning all the romantic songs with all our hearts was amazing. I loved it and can't wait to go and see Feeder in November.

Karen went home today so I am finally spending a night in my own house! Fortunately the IC internet just reaches here so I am happily scabbing off them for tonight but we get our internet set up tomorrow.

We went to London on Saturday for my birthday which was really awesome. Most of the day was spent in the Natural History Museum being the true geeks we are. Again it was great, I love being able to hop on a train and go places with my best friend. It was a truly fantastic birthday present.

I start work next week which I am looking forward to as its the first step to going to Africa - earning the money! I shall try to be a good boy and not spend it all on camera gear too.

Friday, 4 July 2008

Our lives look smaller now...

I went home this week and surprised my mum on her birthday tehe. I even baked a cake which was rather tasty if I don't say so myself!

We went to the airport to drop my bro off before he flew to South Africa on his expedition and then went to Alnwick Gardens which was a lovely day out even though my camera battery died. They even bought me lunch and a cake from the cafe in the afternoon. ^_^

Met up with Paul last night before coming home to Sheffield. Had a good chat about exams and summer and stuff. Nice to catch up with old friends.

Kazz is taking me to London tomorrow which is going to be superamazingwickedawesome. We are going to the Natural History museum and I am very excited!

Tonight were going to a bbq and then back to Karen's to find her railcard and chill out.

I must plan for Church on Sunday!

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

I won't go down alone...

I am back in the familiar realms of the IC today until we can move in and get internet sorted.

Feeling very ill and hayfevery unfortunately although at least the IC is stupidly quiet.

I need to start my project soon and put my disappointing exam results out of my mind.

I am looking forward to moving into our new house this afternoon as it should be tonnes better than the old one! I think its even insulated.

Karen's new house is nice although I am going to have to start wearing pj's as her room gets chill.

Can't believe she leaves a week today. I am really going to miss her. =(

Friday, 27 June 2008

She's found the cure, her futures already begun...

We are getting ready to move out today, lots of cleaning and organising.

I went into town to buy some extortionately priced oven cleaner and got U-571 to watch tonight. Saving Private Ryan is in stock nowhere! A very distressing thing indeed.

Yesterday I went to York to talk about my summer job. I shall be starting on the 15th for 10 weeks with 2 holidays. ^_^

Its all coming together rather nicely.

Karen finishes her second week of SAS this week and she seems to be enjoying it a lot. It makes me so happy for her to be doing something that she loves. I still feel sad about her leaving Sheffield in a couple of weeks and am mentally preparing myself for her going to Borneo.

I can't wait for next summer, there's just that pesky level 3 in the way first!

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

You move through my soul like a hurricane wind...

I am back home now after a hectic journey yesterday.

Getting up at 6 after 3 hours sleep and navigating two airports, a but and two train stations is tricky when you want to fall asleep every time you site down.

Karen picked me up from the station and it felt so good to hold her in my arms again. Its like I have never been away. I love it.

We had karenlemonchicken last night and cake!!! She's amazing.

I am currently at home whilst allllllllllll my washing gets done.

I have to go to York on Thursday to talk about my job which shall be interesting. They have offered to pay for train fare so I may go first class. =P

I shall edit my photos ASAP too as hopefully my locust one has come out well.

Friday, 20 June 2008

You lie awake at night, blue eyes that never lie...

Today has been OK, our experiment is rapidly moving forward but the stats are proving difficult with such reams of data. Things are getting fractious in groups particularly those who are cooking which can make it really tough.

Hopefully everything will go well on Sunday when myself and Katy do our presentation!

I hope I don't have to work too hard on my birthday. ;)

I'm superdedooperde excited about my card!!!

Thursday, 19 June 2008

Your love's a gathered storm I chased across the sky...

Your love's a gathered storm I chased across the sky
A moment in your arms became the reason why
And you're still the only light that fills the emptiness
The only one I need until my dying breath
And I would give you everything just to
Feel your open arms
And I'm not sure I believe anything I feel

And now, now that you're near
There's nothing more without you
Without you here

And I'm trying to believe
In things that I don't know
The turning of the world
The color of your soul
That love could kill the pain
Truth is never vain
It turns strangers into lovers
And enemies to brothers
Just say you understand
I never had this planned

And now, now that you're near
There's nothing more without you
Without you here
Without you here
There's nothing more without you
Without you here

My head lies to my heart
And my heart it still believes
It seems the ones who love us are the ones
That we deceive
But you're changing everything
You're changing everything in me

And now, now that you're near
There's nothing more without you
Without you here

I really feel these lyrics are true right now...

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Hier kommt die Sonne...

I am sitting in a computer room with a cat! Oh the shame and the horror. Hopefully it won't eat me. Now its sniffing a laptop bag. ZOMG it sat on me!

Anyhoo today has been up and down. I was overcome with hayfever earlier and felt rather minging, but now it seems to have cleared up. My trusty nasal spray came to the rescue.

I am glad that I can at least offer statistical awareness to my group as I felt like I wasn't giving many ideas although they are coming more readily.

I am still counting the days until I can snug Karen again. I really miss the support she gives me in every situation. She is the only one who understands me. I don't feel like I can quite be myself around anyone else.

5 sleeps...

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

You touched my heart, you touched my soul, you changed my life and all my goals...

Today has been better. We are starting our projects tomorrow and will hopefully be working with wild carrots!

Colin the weevil has just been released. =S

I still can't wait to go home and have a hot shower and hug Karen. Not mutually exclusive. ;)

I am getting a bit more excited about my birthday present and must remember to open my birthday card!

I hope I get cake!

Hopefully my macro photos will turn out OK I need to convert my RAW files soon though.

I got a locust and lots of flower shots. ^_^

Monday, 16 June 2008

This one goes out to the one I've left behind...

I am a bit homesick although Portugal is ok. Macro photos are proving difficult but I hope to have some shots by the end of the week.

Hope Karen's teaching went well.

I wish we were in Sweden...

Saturday, 14 June 2008

I will wait for you, she said, endlessly...

I go to Portugal tomorrow, which I am excited about, but I am still rather nervous and sad about leaving Kazz for a week.

I shall try to keep my blog updated as much as possible whilst I am there.

I can't believe it is summer already. People have already left! Jen and FiL are in the Maldives, Chris and Louisa are going to Ecuador, Kat is going to Madagascar...

Its going to be strange not having everyone living within 15 minutes walk for three whole months.

"I will wait for you," she said,


Friday, 13 June 2008

My life is yours, in your gifted hands...

Had a great time yesterday at Alton Towers. I even went some roller coasters! We tried Air, Spinball Whizzer and the Mine Train which were pretty fun. Also the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ride, Hex, Duel and the river rapids. I had a great time. I love being with Karen.

I am looking forward to the Portugal course but not being apart. Its going to be difficult but should be ok. I can't wait to get home and get my present from Karenstickalaren. I haven't even left yet whoops! =P

BBQ in the park time today to say goodbye to everyone which shall be fun.

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

I'll let you tear it up...

I love not having exams. Its such a relief to relax and do whatever we want.

I am rather excited about Alton Towers. Hope the weather is good.

Its the last Apprentice tonight which may be rather entertaining.

I'm looking forward to my field course in Portugal hopefully I won't get sunburnt and turn into a lobster then Karen wouldn't be too impressed.

Things are going really well. I am so happy. This summer is going to be very hectic but will be a nice break. ^_^

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Laughter is my soul's release...

Its finally over!

I am rather relieved. Had a great time in town with Kazz and a fun lunch with the Opal crew. Today we shall be going to the botanical gardens for ice cream and photographings! I love having nothing to do.

I get my new sunglasses tomorrow too!

Alton Towers is going to be ace. I really hope the weather stays nice.

Sunday, 8 June 2008

Were leaving ground, will things ever be the same...

It will all be over soon. I really can't wait. Then after the days dragging by it'll suddenly be Saturday and I shall be going to Portugal.

Can't wait for a break. I am so tired and bored of exams, revision etc...

I can't wait to hug and cuddle for allllllllll day again. ^_^

I didn't get chance to blog yesterday alas, I spent the entire time with Karen in on and around her bed revising and talking. She's ace. We had such good fun and ever were productive. She means the world to me...

Friday, 6 June 2008

Its the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine...

I am so sick of revision. I can't wait until Monday until this is over. I want to be able to do nothing again, to listen to music without fear of it stopping me revising. To cuddle without Alcock mocking me in the back of my mind...

I can't wait to go to Alton Towers either!

Thursday, 5 June 2008

This one goes out to the one I love...

The Wings won Lord Stanley last night for the fourth time since 1997. They were the better team over the duration of the year and the series hence it was deserved. But from what I have read elsewhere this may have been the last chance for Pittsburgh to keep such a young promising team together what with the cap and UFAs etc. Hopefully we shall see Sid lift The Cup soon enough; just as long as it's not at the expense of the Av's.

I have woken up to this an innumerate number of times. I don't want it to change.

She makes me so happy. I can't wait to spend 5 blissful days together before the start of a hectic summer.

I love my new lens!

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Love, love is a verb, love is a doing word...

I finally got my new lens today huzzah!

Isn't it pretty. I need to get used to the very short focussing range when doing macro and slower shutter speeds but it's going to be fun!

I am currently revising animal behaviour which is ok, but I can't wait until I am finished on Monday.

Wings @ Penguins game 6 tonight! Should be interesting, I think Pittsburgh will win it but lose game 7 back at the Joe.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Its a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll...

Crazy day. First my glasses break just before my exam and I stress but it goes rather well and I manage to get them fixed. Then into town to order some prescription sunglasses (designer frames ooh er!) and euros. Subway lunch and back to Karen's to watch Blue Planet. Were such geeks! I even managed to clean the shower and not die.

Pens won in triple OT last night and take the series to a game 6. Its going to be interesting...

I saw this and it reminded me of chemistry lessons at A level. Such a long time ago...

Monday, 2 June 2008

Oh my God I can't believe it, I've never been this far away from home...

I forgot to Blog yesterday! What a heinous crime.

Church was awesome, an amazing service and I am honestly thrilled that Karen was able to come. It make me so happy that she wants to be with me all the time. She seems to worry about being clingy, but its just that we spend so much time together during term time that when we have to revise on our own it gets tough. And its tough for me too but I don't think that what she expresses is clingititty (new word there!) just that its strange not being together. I'd rather focus on the time we do share as that's what keeps me going. She makes me so happy.

Babies are funny.


Saturday, 31 May 2008

Is it safe to dance? It's safe to dance...

A fun and productive day at Karen's ensued. Lots of giggling interspersed with a bit of reading. I am not tired after eating eggy bread which was AWESOME, but still didn't beat my cheese, bacon and chicken toasty that was consumed at lunch.

I am going to get another couple of chapters of reading done tonight and then play on Zelda I think.

Today's PhD comic made me smile and look forward to a summer (and a lifetime!) of laboratory based hilarity.

This story made me laugh as well. I want to name an ice berg!!!

I would also like to do this sometime too pleasethankyou!

This was the real deal - a massive tornado was tearing up power lines evidenced by blue flashes on the ground. As lightning cracked all around, we got fleeting glimpses of its giant conical shape lit up.

Stormchasing in Tornado Alley

Friday, 30 May 2008

Every little thing she does is magic...

Second exam. Palaeobiolgy. Much better. Feel OK about it.

Next up evolution on Tuesday.

I really really want my camera lens to get here so I can at least get a bit of practice before Portugal.

Pie and STP at Karen's tonight! Yay. I'm so lucky. ^_^

Also things are looking good for my summer job. Have finally heard a bit more info and should be talking to the head lawn geezer soon!

Thursday, 29 May 2008

Cast off the crutch that kills the pain...

First exam today, Cell Signalling. Went OK hopefully will have surprised myself in a good way.

Really not into palaeo revision tonight. Just can't focus.

Can't wait until Tuesday for a bit of a breather.

Pens beat Redwings last night back in Pittsburgh, finally we have a series!

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Loose lips may sink ships...

Miserable day today, torrential rain, stuck in a cloud.

This is how I wish it looked outside my window but it doesn't.

Wings @ Pens game 3 tonight, hopefully they'll win to make the finals more interesting.

Tomorrow is my first exam. BMS215 Cell Signalling. I am not looking forward to it.

Hopefully it will go well and I shall be able to concentrate on Friday and Tuesday.

This is cool.

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Breathe in for luck, breathe in so deep...

I found this today which made me laugh.

Karen is feeling ill. I am going over later to apprentice and hug her better.

Now to get on with silly BMS revision.

Pens lost game two last night, 3-0. Its looking unlikely that Sid the Kid will lift Lord Stanley this year...

Monday, 26 May 2008

I know you know everything...

To blogging!

Today was fun, I revised at Karen's which was cool and productive!

I even got a book from the library before it was blown away in the storm.

Sunday, 25 May 2008

What makes the one to shake you down...

A good day indeed, Church was fab I ate loads of biscuits and we played some fun games.

Revision is going pretty OK and I had a fun afternoon with Karen.

We talked more about next summer and upgrading our photo gear and moving on with stuff. I'm really happy.

The pens lost game 1 which isn't so hot but hopefully they will bounce back tomorrow and even the series up 1-1.

Saturday, 24 May 2008

If you want to destroy my sweater...

Fun day revising at Karen's. More time spent planning Africa and various other expeditions involving camera's!

I am now looking at Stanley Cup stuff on t'internet and came across this which I think deserves a place here.

Go Pen's!

Friday, 23 May 2008

Hold me and tell me we'll burn like stars...

It is a dull and boring Friday today. Woke up late and did a lot of behaviour reading. Am getting closer to finishing Zelda, I want to catch the final fish type next.

Going to watch the new Indiana Jones film tonight with Kazz, which is rather super exciting. JB said it was excellent yesterday so I am looking forward to it.

Karen is going to do work experience back at home for a couple of weeks in the summer which is very good news as she should definitely have enough days to apply for Hallam come September. Huzzah!

I should hopefully find out more about my job in the summer next week and probably get my lens!

Thursday, 22 May 2008

The monkey on your back is the latest trend...

I am so full of food! Karen's parents came and took us shopping and fed us which was nice. I spent too much shopping and still need to pay for my lens. They've also taken my Portugal cheque out (cry) so money is going down a bit too rapidly.

Rather excited about the prospect of going to Africa, can't stop thinking about it. ^_^

Shall be working in some science based position over the summer although not too sure what at the moment.

I'll probably end up being "everyone else". ;)

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

I bless the rains down in Africa...

We are going to Africa!!

This is exactly like the magician at the ball.

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

And in the sea there was a fish...

Cute pig! Obviously photoshopped but still cute.

If I was a flower growing wild and free
All I'd want is you to be my sweet honey bee.
And if I was a tree growing tall and greeen
All I'd want is you to shade me and be my leaves

If I was a flower growing wild and free
All I'd want is you to be my sweet honey bee.
And if I was a tree growing tall and greeen
All I'd want is you to shade me and be my leaves

All I want is you, will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you, will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.

If you were a river in the mountains tall,
The rumble of your water would be my call.
If you were the winter, I know I'd be the snow
Just as long as you were with me, let the cold winds blow

All I want is you, will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you, will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.

If you were a wink, I'd be a nod
If you were a seed, well I'd be a pod.
If you were the floor, I'd wanna be the rug
And if you were a kiss, I know I'd be a hug

All I want is you, will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you, will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.

If you were the wood, I'd be the fire.
If you were the love, I'd be the desire.
If you were a castle, I'd be your moat,
And if you were an ocean, I'd learn to float.

All I want is you, will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you, will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.

All I Want Is You - Barry Louis Polisar

Monday, 19 May 2008

Hey Miss Murder...

Crap day.

So annoyed.

Sunday, 18 May 2008

So now you'll love these screams...

I kiss you on the brain in the shadow of a train
I kiss you all starry eyed, my body's swinging from side to side
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you

Here is the church and here is the steeple
We sure are cute for two ugly people
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you

Anyone else but you; The Mouldy Peaches

Its so true!

Saturday, 17 May 2008

Our only weapons are the guns of youth...

Went and saw Juno at the union. Really good film. Soundtrack was cool.

Feeling in such a good place at the moment. Am in love and am loved.

Can't believe the Stars beat the Wings in Detroit??

I'll stay with you...

We bought a mosquito net today! And I got the Silmarillion, which I am rather excited about.

I was thinking when I was meant to be revising about how much fun we have together. I really enjoyed shouting in the middle of town so we could hear each other over the noise of the dummers and generally being silly. Makes me so happy.

I only had one nap whilst reading this afternoon.

Friday, 16 May 2008

Walls will fall before we do...

I found out I have a paying job for the summer! 6 weeks in labs, playing with MALDI-TOF mass specs, w00t.

Hopefully this won't occur.

Kazz should be getting info on work experience and SAS super soon which I am even more thrilled about. We had an awesome chat last night, despite me being rather tired. Stuff is moving and its great. I love it.


Thursday, 15 May 2008

Are you dizzy yet?

Printer ink has officially arrived and my mass wastage of the Amazon can occur.

Genomics WILL be finished today and revision WILL start very much in earnest.

I really want a mini pig.

Karen loves me. ^_^

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Let the water come...

My little brother always used to do this to me on MarioKart.

Am currently writing up genomics stuff. Should hopefully finish second part today!

Gymmed this morning. Still same weight, which is good I suppose. Am going to try lifting more next week as my arms do feel stronger.

Apprentice time later, with white magnums and Wii if I am cheeky.

What a stressful life.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

This is me with the words on the tip of my tongue...

Revision time begins in earnest.

To cheer myself up!

Why hasn't my ink come? Or my lens? :(

Monday, 12 May 2008

Leave the lights down low...

Stupidly sunny today, really warm!

May be going to Leadmill tonight but first shall finish silly tutorial write up. Bleh.

Tutorial pretty much done, bit of reading also done.

Pasta and pesto for tea, yay.

Sunday, 11 May 2008

Press your lips to the sculptures...

Lovely time at church this morning. Weather fantastic again. Stuck inside working.

Photo time on facebook from the ball.

Saturday, 10 May 2008

I will wait for you...

Ball time. Lots of photos and wine. Good night for most.

Friday, 9 May 2008

Beauty will last...

Ball day! Much excitement and getting ready.

Hope the weather stays dry and that the food is good.

Thursday, 8 May 2008

I promised you a heart...

Another sunny day. Roller disco was awesome, although my ankles are paying for it this morning!

Only 1 day to go until the ball. ^_^

I made more mars bar cake too! I shall put a photo of it up later.

Made me laugh.Also worth a mention.

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Its in the blood...

Massive gym session. Shattered.

Lunch at church and then cake making! ^_^

Update: Gorgeous day, able to walk around in shorts and t-shirt and still feel hot!

Rather excited about roller disco later! =D

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Love like winter...

Beautiful day, weather is stunning. So nice to be warm for a change.

Crookes Valley Park, Bank Holiday Monday.

Now to work on my project.


15:18: Project is finally finished!

This little guy is finally cute again. ^_^

Monday, 5 May 2008

Sugar and Ice...

Warn your warmth to turn away.
Here it's December every day (I like that).
Press your lips to the sculptures
and surely you'll stay (Love like winter)
for of sugar and ice, I am made, I am made.

It's in the blood, it's in the blood.
I met my love before I was born.
He wanted love. I taste of blood.
He bit my lip and drank my war
from years before, from years before.

She exhales vanilla lace.
I barely dreamt her yesterday, yesterday.
Read the lines in the mirror
through the lipstick trace "Por Siempre".
She said, "it seems you're somewhere far away" to his face.

It's in the blood, it's in the blood.
I met my love before I was born.
She wanted love. I taste of blood,
She bit my lip and drank my war
from years before, from years before.

Love like winter, oh, oh...
Love like winter, winter... 3,4

It's in the blood, it's in the blood.
I met my love before I was born.
He wanted love. I taste of blood.
He bit my lip and drank my war
from years before, from years before.