Wednesday 18 June 2008

Hier kommt die Sonne...

I am sitting in a computer room with a cat! Oh the shame and the horror. Hopefully it won't eat me. Now its sniffing a laptop bag. ZOMG it sat on me!

Anyhoo today has been up and down. I was overcome with hayfever earlier and felt rather minging, but now it seems to have cleared up. My trusty nasal spray came to the rescue.

I am glad that I can at least offer statistical awareness to my group as I felt like I wasn't giving many ideas although they are coming more readily.

I am still counting the days until I can snug Karen again. I really miss the support she gives me in every situation. She is the only one who understands me. I don't feel like I can quite be myself around anyone else.

5 sleeps...

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