Monday 23 February 2009

Love will come set me free, I do believe...

I almost feel like I am on top of work for once today, despite doing very little over the weekend. We had a fun time on Saturday at Varsity Ice Hockey with amazing hot dogs and a pretty good game. Then we met up with Chris and co for his birthday which had hilarious consequences as per usual. Although cocktails and shots are not the drinks of choice when leading a group of 7-9 year olds! We played cards and Karen and I won at poker, however I think Chris being inebriated and apathetic helped slightly. We then had a massive game of cheat which I won with minimal cheating and correct subversion of my general persona.

Karen thinks I use big words in the wrong context because my Dad is left handed and the language centre in the brain is in the left hand side (or something like that!). She's probably correct and I refuse to give up showing off my immense lexicon (see what I did there?).

Karen and I baked cakes on Saturday which was good fun and really cheered us both up I think. We need to do more baking I have decided. Whilst my waistline would suffer its a sacrifice I am willing to make! I even attempted to "beat" the mixture which I spectacularly failed at until some careful tuition from my hairy baker. ;)

Sunday was good fun despite the initial headache. The kids at church were incredibly well behaved and I think we really got through to them for once. I have a few weeks off now which I am looking forward to being in Church either in Sheffield or at home.

I get some peace and quiet tomorrow as Karen is going out for Katie's birthday. I am going to cook some amazing bacon sandwiches, maybe with egg, and edit some photos once I have finished my work. I may even watch a DVD if I am feeling daring!

1 comment:

Brak3n said...

"correct subversion of my general persona"
What does that even mean??
You only won because Darielle was mean and let you rather than me :(