Tuesday 11 November 2008

She's my heaven, she's my spark...

I was only in labs for 2 hours today! I got to see Chris' fish too which was entertaining, he turned them pink much to Katie's disgust.

Karen and I are going to see Quantum of Solace tomorrow which I am looking forward to! The plot is meant to be lacking but the action scenes are apparently rather good and I do like explosions.

Tomorrow I have to hand in my molecular ecology coursework which is hopefully going to be OK and make sense and sound feasible. Maybe not. We are currently doing biology and ethics which, on first impressions, is going to be very interesting and will have a definite impact on the way I think about things!

Hopefully I shall get a Sunday in Church properly this weekend providing Kev is around. Can't wait for that, I am really itching to be in the service to be with Karen and to listen to the teaching myself!

I may get next weekend on my lonesome which will be good for Christmas planning. I love winding you up.

Tonight I am searching for Morocco flights and we shall hopefully go and book everything next week! I am super excited about this. Its going to be a real adventure and I can't think of anyone I'd rather share it with.

Tomorrow I shall be in labs for 6 hours but I look forward to taking my laptop and either doing notes or playing on worms.

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