Sunday 12 October 2008

I picked out your star, turned night into day...

I apparently don't feel like blogging really considering this window has been open for about an hour and I haven't written anything. =S

Today was OK, church was awesome, I love that Karen still wants to come and isn't scared out of her wits especially as Mick was talking about weddings. Tehe. We had a great time on Saturday at the pub and then hung out on the evening which was much fun.

My field course write up is actually OK and I feel pretty good about it. Plus I am actually looking forward to starting my project!

We're going out tomorrow and Saturday which is exciting. I like going out even if my bank account doesn't

I have decided to learn to make a pasta bake!! I can't decide to steal a recipe from my mum our the internet. Oh the decisions!

Anyway I am bored so later k?

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