Friday 9 January 2009

Everybody hurts, everybody cries...

So its been a hectic few days since returning to Sheffield. After an expensive shop, a nerve wracking interview and much revision I finally had Thursday night had to be alone and go to bed super early ready to get up and push on with my project which hadn't moved for several weeks. I had eaten a tasty lasgne with my dodgy homemade garlic bread (fried bread with garlic - too much effort really =P) and was in the kitchen clearing up before making a tasty tasty hot chocolate and I managed to smash a glass causing a fairly deep cut on my right hand ring finger below the first knuckle. It was bleeding quiet profusely and I was nauseous because I am a wimp so I rang my medical advisor! What would we do without medical students!

Fortunately I was given a lift to a & e and looked after whilst I was there. It was really good to catch up actually and talk about several random things including why does Sprite have 4x the calories of diet coke, when I was going to get engaged, and my fastidious planning for the trip to Morocco! Anyway we were stuck there until just after midnight and all I have to show for it is a plaster. I hate stitches but at least that would have been more impressive, I could've gone to Boots for goodness sake. Hmph to my overactive circulatory system.

I am now sat in bed having a had a bleh day. I am feeling a bit alone because Karen isn't in Sheffield or near a computer, so I am really looking forward to seeing her on Monday lunchtime. My new camera bag and monopod arrived earlier and I have so far concluded that the bag is perfect and the monopod would make an awesome sword/lightsabre/eye-pokin-out-device. If I am feeling bored I may wander to Goodwin tomorrow and see if there is any hockey on to shoot for a bit.

I should have planned for Boulders tonight but its totally slipped my mind. Were doing about "When I met Jesus" so I have to think of when I did meet Jesus! Its not as easy as I imagined. I guess I have always felt watched over and seen prayers answered (exam results, university placings, being accepted, being fancied, being loved...) which isn't as dramatic as one single event but having brought me this far in life I am not going to give up on it now.

I also found this video, its absolutely brilliant! I want to immitate this so badly!

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