Saturday 10 January 2009

These photographs keep me alive...

Today has been rather bleh. Haven't done much just pottered around and tried to get on with my project. I concentrated so poorly this afternoon and evening its unbelievable. Rather annoyed at myself actually.

Here is a photo of my poor bandaged finger in A & E. I'm still covered in plasters but its not been as painful today and I have learnt never to let Karen leave otherwise bad things happen!

I am in bed again just relaxing as its a Saturday night. Hoping that Boulders goes well tomorrow and that my discussion will possibly get finished. It really really should. I wish the silly internet wasn't so distracting. :(

Karen is away having fun with old people at a dog show! Apparently they have been asking about me so I am a bit scared, tehe. I hope I pass the test. ;)

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