Tuesday 15 July 2008

You amaze me more than you could know...

So it was my first day at work today. I had my first first class train journey which was rather fun! Complementary breakfast ftw! Paul then picked me up and took me to the main office where admin stuff was sorted and then we went to the warehouse and had another look at the equipment. Then I had lunch and we went to look at some big turf!

After this I got to drive my van (lol) to my hotel so off I popped to the hotel that was pointed out to me on the way this morning. Got there fine, didn't even get lost once! Couldn't check in til 3, no problem walked to Somerfield and picked up some stuff. Returned at 3. Can I check in *gives name* er no we have no reservation. Hmm I'll ring and check. Ring and find out I am at the wrong hotel! Oops!

So eventually located the 2nd hotel. Settle into (small, hot and noisey) room. Watched the Chuckle Brothers and then had a shower. Saw Top Gear and then went to eat. Had a burger and a pancake type thing. Twas rather tasty, though I think 8 weeks would be a bit much!

I then spent the evening on the internet (which has a useless cable!!!) talking to Kazz. She makes me so happy.

Going to plot how to get there tomorrow!

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